Developing Decoders Digital Subscription


Get access to over 450+ decodable books, with more added each month at no additional cost to you!

Our Developing Decoders Digital Subscription brings you a full library of decodable books available digitally and in printable format. Each line of our collections have been written to align with a specific scope and sequence.

Here’s What You Will Get with your Annual Membership:

✅ Developing Decoders GREEN Collection aligned to UFLI's Scope & Sequence (220 books + Passages for Alphabetic Principle Lessons)

✅ Developing Decoders ORANGE Collection aligned to UFLI’s Scope & Sequence. This collection focuses on Syllable Types. (70 books)

✅ Developing Decoders YELLOW Collection  (164 books)

✅ Lesson Plans for each decodable book that focus on ALL STRANDS of Scarborough’s Reading Rope 

✅ Color and Black and White decodable books are Downloadable and in Printable format

✅ Digital Interactive Reader - Students can read decodable books, listen to books being read aloud, and record themselves reading and listen back

▶️ 👉 Here's a video tour of our platform!

    To determine which set of Developing Decoders best align with your curriculum's scope and sequence, review the guide to our decodable books HERE.

    You can download the 20 free decodable books at this link!

    Ready to purchase? 

    To purchase, you will register here: Developing Decoders Digital Subscription Purchase 

    Once you have registered, scroll down to the bottom of the homepage to complete your purchase and get access to hundreds of decodable books from our collections today.

    Enjoy all of these amazing features for only $167 a year!
    Please view our terms before purchasing: Terms and Conditions

    Any questions? Email our service team at!